Wrote this with my eyes close the whole time. It helped. -credit goes to the soundtrack of The Shawshank Redemption by Thomas Newman- An intricate piece of art.
You're in a room full of people, shouting, talking and making noise. You're not in the mood to shout or talk or make noise. You don't like noise. You put on your earphones, hit the play button and live in a trance. You close your eyes and you're not there anymore. No shouting, no talking. No noise. Just a calm meaningful conducting of art. The orchestra plays life to you. All that was black changes to redefined beauty. You define it. Starts with a white halo circling the dark black hole, transitions to a phenomenon. You're the conductor. Make believe and you're there. Soft single tunes of the bass, the woodwind, the percussion. You can hear it start, you can hear it build up. Starts slow, starts a calm ocean. The old waves give way for the new in a slow monotone. You're walking on water. You still walk, the waves rush on now. They get bigger, stronger, you start to run, jump. Calms down again. You slow down and take a breath and look around. Beautiful infinity. You see a silhouette in the horizon. A complete new urge surges through. You want to know who that is. You want to know who stays in your sub-conscious. Such delicate contours. It seems to please you. You smile like you've never thought possible before. You seem to be lifted up in the air. You float now. Everything gets deadly quiet. A dread. The calmness before the storm, the anticipation before the finale. Here it comes. Stand ground. Stand straight. You can make it through it. Bring on the rain, the pain, the hurricane. I am ready. They stand clear. They are afraid. They're afraid of your confidence, you're ability to fend off difficulties and walk through them. They're always afraid. The contours, the smile, the walk. It's a long way, no, you're there. No more contours, no more blackness but a the perfect vision of the most phenomenal thing you could have ever imagined. You take her hand. Dance away dear boy, dance away to the tune of the old. Dance on water. Dance with life. You seem to go underwater. Everything seems to get more clearer. Everything black around you but you stare at the white beauty. You continue dancing and you see what you saw at the beginning, but ever so clearer now. You see a miracle. The work of god. You see the halo, the blackness. You have moved into the center. The center of a world, your world. You're not alone. You drown to live again. You fought to resurface. Washed off are all your pain and suffering. You close your eyes to open them again and they are open. You breathe and see people around you. They shout, they talk and they make noise. You don't mind. You have your earphones on. You pass on a faint smile to these people and carry on.
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